Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The farmers house

The farmers house

Farmer's house was very simple. In the middle of the house was a room called “stuga” cottage, which was often the only room in the house that was heated because the other rooms where often missing fireplace. The cottage was where the family most was and where they could cook and sleep.

In the cottage the family could almost do everything. The farmer was sleeping here with his family, and this is where they did their chores in the evenings and during the day. The cottage also served as a kitchen because of the fireplace.

The furnishing of the house was often benches and beds along the walls. A sort of wall fixed bench called kistbänk, was where they often kept clothes. The few furnitures that were loose were tables and chests. A chest was counted as a personal belonging, which the farmers took away if they moved.
It happened also in the colder seasons of the year, that the farmers took the smaller animals such as chickens, geese, pigs, etc. into the house. They tried to divide the cottage in two parts so that the animals stayed in a confined space.

Böndernas hus

Böndernas hus var mycket enkla. Mitt i huset fanns ett rum som kallades stuga. Det var ofta det enda rummet i huset som var varmt eftersom de andra rummen saknade eldstäder. Stugan var där familjerna var mest och där de kunde laga mat och sova.

I stugan kunde familjerna göra nästan allting. Bönderna sov här med sina familjer och det var här de utförde sina sysslor på kvällarna och under dagarna. Stugan fungerade också som kök på grund av att eldstaden fanns här.

Möblerna i huset var ofta bänkar och sängar som var fast i väggarna. En sorts väggfast bänk som kallades kistbänk var där de hade sina kläder. De få möbler som var lösa, var bord och kistor. En kista räknades som en personlig tillhörighet som bönderna tog med sig om de flyttade.

Under de kallare tiderna på året hände det att bönderna tog in de mindre djuren, till exempel kycklingar, gäss och grisar i huset. Man försökte då dela stugan i två delar så att djuren höll sig på ett begränsat utrymme.

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