Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Italy, here we come!

This week the kids are on educational holiday and I´m getting things done in the office. This sunday we are leaving for the first meeting with the other participating countries in this project. It´s going to be really exciting. It will be fun to hear what the others are doing this first semester and to get faces to the people we´re gonna work with the next two years.

Den här veckan har barnen lov och jag får saker gjorda på kontoret. På söndag åker vi iväg på den första träffen med de andra deltagande länderna i det här projektet. Det ska bli så spännande. Det ska bli roligt att höra vad de andra gör den här första terminen och få ansikten på de människor vi kommer att jobba med de kommande två åren.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kända snapphanar - famous snapphanar

Simon Andersen
Simon Andersen was kapten among the snapphanes and he had a farm in Åkra in the western Vrams parish, Kristianstad County. He had the biggest friskyttekompanies during the Scanian War. Swedish soldiers encircled him in his yard. He probably escaped to Denmark. 1680 Simon was seen as baptism witness north of Copenhagen.

Lille Mads
Lille Mads was born in Rødding parish. In February 1677 his company, of 600 men, attacked Swedish troops on the ice in the middle of Finjasjön. In 1678 helped Lille Mads the Danish soldiers to do a raid in Ystad. Sven “Banketröja "Erlandsson tracked the men to Sövde windmill. After half hour of battle the Scanians drew back. They took four men and one of them was little Mads.

Store Truede
Store Truede lived for one year in a cave in the woods near the farm Burn Knoll, south from the lake Immeln. All farmers in the whole district promised the Swedes to keep the area clean from snapping males and therefore they sent out patrols to locate every Snapphane that they would kill. One of the patrols discovered Store Truede who sat on a stone outside his cave, and they shot him to death. The day after they carved a cross in the stone which, according to tradition must be seen on this day. The stone is now located in the south curve of the old road between Arkelstorp and Hjärsås. There are many legends about Store Truede, and one of them said that it was a tailor in Hjärsås who cheated him, and shot him at this place. It is said that his Friends carved a cross into the stone where he fell.

Bengt Månsson

Bengt Månsson came from Faralt and was a leader of Skåne Fagerhults snapphanes. He was executed in Ljungby. Today there is a statue of him in Skåne Fagerhult.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For this first part of the project we have divided the children in the fifth grade in 8 groups. Each group is working with a particular topic connected to snapphanar. Two of the groups have made a movie about Loshultskuppen, a famous fight, which took place in Loshult (you can see Loshult on the Scania-map here) in the very north part of Scania.

Inför den första delen av projektet har vi delat in eleverna i skolår fem i åtta grupper. Varje grupp jobbar med ett speciellt ämne med anknytning till snapphanar. Två av grupperna har gjort en film om Loshultskuppen, ett berömt slag, som ägde rum i Loshult (ni kan se Loshult på Skånekartan här) i norra delen av Skåne.

The farmers house

The farmers house

Farmer's house was very simple. In the middle of the house was a room called “stuga” cottage, which was often the only room in the house that was heated because the other rooms where often missing fireplace. The cottage was where the family most was and where they could cook and sleep.

In the cottage the family could almost do everything. The farmer was sleeping here with his family, and this is where they did their chores in the evenings and during the day. The cottage also served as a kitchen because of the fireplace.

The furnishing of the house was often benches and beds along the walls. A sort of wall fixed bench called kistbänk, was where they often kept clothes. The few furnitures that were loose were tables and chests. A chest was counted as a personal belonging, which the farmers took away if they moved.
It happened also in the colder seasons of the year, that the farmers took the smaller animals such as chickens, geese, pigs, etc. into the house. They tried to divide the cottage in two parts so that the animals stayed in a confined space.

Böndernas hus

Böndernas hus var mycket enkla. Mitt i huset fanns ett rum som kallades stuga. Det var ofta det enda rummet i huset som var varmt eftersom de andra rummen saknade eldstäder. Stugan var där familjerna var mest och där de kunde laga mat och sova.

I stugan kunde familjerna göra nästan allting. Bönderna sov här med sina familjer och det var här de utförde sina sysslor på kvällarna och under dagarna. Stugan fungerade också som kök på grund av att eldstaden fanns här.

Möblerna i huset var ofta bänkar och sängar som var fast i väggarna. En sorts väggfast bänk som kallades kistbänk var där de hade sina kläder. De få möbler som var lösa, var bord och kistor. En kista räknades som en personlig tillhörighet som bönderna tog med sig om de flyttade.

Under de kallare tiderna på året hände det att bönderna tog in de mindre djuren, till exempel kycklingar, gäss och grisar i huset. Man försökte då dela stugan i två delar så att djuren höll sig på ett begränsat utrymme.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Our geniuses, our culture

Beringskolan is proud to be a part of the Comenius project "Our geniuses, our culture". The project will last for two years and we hope it will be a good and funny time. The aim of the project is for the student to learn english better and to learn about geography, history and culture of different European countries and of their own region. Exept Sweden, the countries which are involved in the project is Italy, France, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Poland and Spain. The project also want to promote an environment of respect and interest towards other cultures, learning styles and people from other countries. And we also hope that the students will learn to use new technology resources.

In this blog you can follow our work with the project and we will present part of the work the students have done.

For the first two months of the project we have worked with "snapphanar". Snapphanarna are famous in the history of Scania/Skåne.

Beringskolan är stolta över att vara en del av Comenius-projektet "Our geniuses, our culture". Projektet pågår i två år och vi hoppas att det blir en bra och rolig tid. Syftet med projektet är att eleverna ska lära sig bättre engelska och lära sig om geografi, historia och kultur i andra europeiska länder och sitt eget land. De länder som är representerade i projektet, förutom Sverige, är Polen, Italien, Frankrike, Spanien, Nederländerna och Slovenien. Projektet hoppas också på att utmynna i en respektfull inställning till och ett intresse för andra kulturer, undervisningssätt och folk från andra länder. Vi hoppas också att eleverna ska lära sig att använda ny teknologi.

I den här bloggen kan ni följa arbetet med projektet och vi kommer att presentera delar av elevernas arbeten.

Under de första två månaderna av projektet har vi jobbat med snapphanarna, som är en viktig del av Skånes historia.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



The jacket , shorts and the hat is made off wool. The shirt is made off material made off flax. The women wore a tall shirt made off flax material. If they had a lot off buttons on their clothes they had high status.


Jackan, byxorna och hatten är gjorda av ull. Skjortan är gjord av lintyg. Kvinnorna hade en lång skjorta gjord av linväv. Om man hade många knappar på sina kläder hade man hög status.


Meal Drinks

The farmers drank water course, but an ordinary drinking among farmers was small beer. It is not often drank milk with meals because it was expensive and because they both made butter and cheese. When it was festive farmers drank beer. A couple times a year, it beer for example at Christmas and at hayharvest. It happened also to be made beer on other occasions, such as for funerals and weddings.


The farmers did not eat meat very often, and for the poorest, meat was a luxury.

The farmers did eat meat from their own farms. It was meat from pigs.

They seldom ate fresh meat. They salted, smoked and dried the meat before they ate it, to make it last longer. They did not eat horse meat.

Porridge was the everyday food, it was also important at the festival. The ingredients were flour, water and salt.
But it was also common with gruel, but both gruel and porridge was cooked on a daily basis with water, flour and salt. Only during the weekends they used milk in the gruel.

They ate mostly food that came from their own farm. Bread was the most important food among peasant families and it was baked mostly in oats. Wheat bread was a luxury that was eaten only on special occasions.

Fish was a fairly common part of the diet. The fish was usually eaten fresh but could also be dried, smoked or salted.

Lard and Cheese

Lard and Cheese

On weekdays had no butter for the bread, because the butter was an expensive product. Instead, it could happen that you had lard to bread. The lard was melted animal fat, which was set up the table on small ripples, sometimes had seasoned it with some onion and spice. Unlike butter to be relatively frequent cheese to the bread, although it also could be used as payment.


Vegetables were part out peasant population diet, although probably not been a big part of diet. With the possible exception of the different forms of brassica
(cabbage, kale). In the same way probably does not carry from the forest was major contribution to the Scanian peasants.


Bread was most use

The food among famerfamilies was bread, they ate mostly soft and hard bread.

The bread was made off grain that was grown nearby mostly oats, barley or rye. Bread made off wheat did they eat only for Christmas.

Dark rye bread

An older form of bread, is called dark rye bread. This bread was baked in the oven first, then divided in half, then dried again, which made the bread last longer.

Lord of bread, svenne bread, crispbread

There were different kinds of crisp bread (rusks name was first used in the 1600s), during the 1500s are mentioned, among other things, Mr. svenne bread and bread. With svenne bread covered probably a hard coarse rye bread, while the lord of bread was a finer thinner variety.


Before 1658 Skåne belonged to Denmark. This is half of Sweden and a little bit of Norway and Denmark. The capital of Denmark is Copenhagen. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm and the capital of Norway is Oslo.

Före 1658 hörde Skåne till Danmark. Det här är halva Sverige och en liten bit av Danmark och en liten bit av Norge. Köpenhamn är Danmarks huvudstad. Oslo är Norges huvudstad och Stockholm är Sveriges huvudstad.

Sweden has 25 provinces and Scania/Skåne lies in the south. Every province has a weaponshield and Scania/Skåne have a grip that`s a mixture off an eagle and a lion. The Beringschool lies in Örkelljunga in Northwest scania. The largest city in Scania is Malmö. That is the third largest city in Sweden. It is 106,3 kilometres to Malmö from Örkelljunga. But the nearest city is Helsingborg. It is 49,6 kilometres away from Örkelljunga.

Sverige är indelat i 25 landskap och Skåne ligger längst i söder. Varje landskap har en vapensköld och Skåne har en grip det är en blandning av en örn och ett lejon. Beringskolan ligger i Örkelljunga som ligger i nordvästra Skåne. Den största staden i Skåne heter Malmö det är Sveriges tredje största stad. Det är 106,3 km till Malmö från Örkelljunga. Men den närmaste staden från Örkelljunga är Helsingborg det är 49,6 km dit.

On this map you can see what Scania looks like today. You can see Örkelljunga. And you can see Loshult where the famous Loshultskuppen took place.

På den här kartan kan ni se hur Skåne ser ut idag. Ni kan se Örkelljunga. Och ni kan se Loshult där den berömda loshultskuppen ägde rum.


In the beginning of the 17 century there was 900 000 people in Sweden. In 1749 there was 1 764 724 people in Sweden. Now there is about 9 302 000 people in Sweden.

In 2008, 1 214 758 people lived in Scania. It is more than in whole Sweden in the beginning of the 17´s century.


I början på 1600-talet fanns det ca 900 000 människor i Sverige. 1749 fanns det 1 746 724 människor i Sverige. Nu finns det ca 9 302 000 människor i Sverige.

2008 bodde det 1 214 758 människor i Skåne. Det är mer än i hela Sverige i början på 1600-talet.

Around 1650 the geography of Scania looked like this.

1. In this area there was a lot of villages and land to grow on.

2. Here was a lot of forest and not so many villages. Farmers here earned money from their forest.

3. Here the farmers had a lot of animals. There were both large and small villages.

Omkring 1650 såg geografin i Skåne ut så här.

1. I det här området fanns det många byar och åkrar att odla på.

2. Här fanns det mycket skog och inte så många byar. Bönderna här tjänade pengar på sin skog.

3. Här hade bönderna mycket djur. Det fanns både stora och små byar.


A long time ago Denmark fought against Sweden. The war on Sweden. They fought for Scania in 1675 to 1679. They knew the north of Scania's forests. Many Scanians felt that more Danes than Swedes. They like the Swedish war leadership during the Scanian War called Snapphanar, but later historians wanted to prove to be more complex, can be said to have consisted of three different categories. They were in the woods. They were ordinary people who banded together and fought against Sweden. Court held in Goinge forests.

För länge sedan så krigade Danmark mot Sverige. De krigade om Skåne. De krigade om Skåne från 1675 till 1679. De kände sig väl i norra Sveriges skogar. Många skåningar kände sig mer som danskar än svenskar. De som den svenska krigsledningen under skånska kriget kallade för snapphanar, men som senare historieskrivning velat visa vara mer komplex, kan sägas ha utgjorts av tre olika kategorier. Dom höll till i skogen. De var vanligt folk som gick ihop och krigade mot Sverige. Dom höll till i Göingeskogarna.

1 Why did the swedish call them snapphanar?

Answer: To steal in German means schnappen. Thats why they were called snapphanar beacuse they robbed swedish people.

2 Why was it war?

Answer: The Danish king had resolved to wage war against Sweden in order to get back Scania.

3 How did they manage?

Answer: They robbed swedish people.

4 What kind of gun did they use?

Answer: They used musketeers.

5 What did they wear?

Answer: they wore trouses and shirts.

6 For how long did they fight?

Answer: They fought for 4 years between 1675 -1679.

1. Varför kallade svenskarna dem för snapphanar?

Att stjäla på tyska heter schnappen. Därför kallades de snapphanar för att de stal från svenskarna.

2. Varför var det krig?

Den danska kungen hade förklarat krig mot Sverige för att ta tillbaka Skåne.

3. Hur klarade dom sig?

De överföll svenskar.

4. Vilken sorts vapen använde de?

De använde musköter

5. Vad hade de på sig?

De hade byxor och skjortor.

6. Hur länge krigade dom?

De krigade i fyra år, mellan 1675 och 1679

Den siste snapphanen - The last snapphanen

The last snapphanen was Nills Tuesson, from Holmatorp in Vittsjö parish. When Nills was a bit older than 20 years he caught sight of a swedish cavalry. He was walking along the road. The swedish rider had a pistol in his belt and a gray coat. The swede wanted to know the way to Markaryd. Nills said he could show him the way to Markaryd. When Nills stood infront of the swede he told him that the evil must take the lead. He then took the gun that the Swede had under his belt and struck him on the ear. Nothing happened with the ear. Nills then struck the swede in the neck and the side. The Swede fell to the ground. No one could prevent Nills to stop fighting. When the swede died Nills took all his clothes except his shirt. Nills buried the swede where he had been killed, between Bäckabroo and the church. Nills said it was Simon Tuesson who killed the swedish rider. There was a witness who had seen Nills bury the swede.
Nills joined the snapphanes. In November 1679, he was close to going to jail. Everyone chased Nills. He threw both the gun and clothes to get away. Not to get caught he fled to Denmark. He lived there for many years.

Den siste snapphanen var Nills tuesson, från holmatorp i Vittsjösocken. När Nills var lite äldre än 20 år fick han syn på en svensk ryttare. Han kom gåendes längs vägen. Den svenska ryttaren hade en pistol under bältet och en grå rock. Svensken ville veta vägen till Markaryd. Nills sa att han kunde visa vägen till Markaryd. När Nills stod framför svensken sa han till honom att den onde måste visa vägen. Han tog då pistolen som svensken hade under bältet och slog honom på örat. Det hände inget med örat. Nills högg svensken i halsen och på sidan. Svensken ramlade på marken. Ingen kunde hindra Nills från att sluta slåss. När svensken hade dött tog Nills av alla hans kläder utom skjortan. Nills begravde svensken där han hade blivit ihjälslagen, mellan Bäckabroo och kyrkan. Nills sa att det var Simon Tuesson som dödade den svenske ryttaren. Det fanns ett vittne som hade sett Nills gräva ner svensken.

Nills begav sig iväg till snapphanarna. I november 1679 var han nära att åka i fängelse. Alla jagade Nills. Han slängde både bössa och kläder för att komma undan. För att Nills inte skulle åka fast flydde han över till Danmark. Han bodde där i många år.

Farmer now and before



Now we have many animals.

They had few animals.

Nowadays, we have tractors.

They had no tractors.

We have great milk machines.

They milked by hand.

We have also combine harvester.

They had no milk machines.

We have much ground.

They had some ground.

We have insecticides.

They had no insecticides

About 2 percent of Sweden`s population work as farmers.

Almost all were farmers at that time.

We have electric fence.

They had no electric fence.

Farmer Life in Sweden in the past

The farmers life

The farmers wanted to have as many animals as possible. But eventually it became too numerous and the winter feed was not enough. Then the animals got small and some starved. Almost all the animals were outside all the time. If the farmer had problems, he asked the neighbour. Sometimes wolves came and attacked the farmers animals. Farmers cooperated at times with each other.

They could be visited by soldiers who demanded food and shelter, day or night. As you understand the farmers lost very much because of this.

Sometimes farmers were called into the war and the rest of the family had to work very hard.


Bönderna ville ha så många djur som möjligt. Men ibland blev det för många och vinterfodret räckte inte till. Då blev djuren smala och några svalt. Nästan alla djuren var ute hela tiden. Om bönderna hade problem pratade dom med sina grannar. Ibland kom vargar och attackerade böndernas djur. Bönderna samarbetade med varandra ibland.

De kunde bli besökta av soldater som krävde mat och husrum på dagen eller natten. Bönderna förlorade mycket på grund av detta.

Ibland kallades bönderna in i armén och resten av familjen fick jobba väldigt hårt.